Jute Twine
We stock a wide selection of hemp cord in many different sizes, colors and types for you to choose from. Our hemp cord is processed ecologically friendly and sweatshop free. Hemp cord is great for arts and crafts and can be used for beading & jewelry.
- 53% OFFColored Jute Cord, Jute String, Jute Twine, 3-Ply, for Jewelry Making, Coral, 2mm, about 109.36 yards(100m)/roll(OCOR-R008-2mm-006)
- US $1.54 / 1 Roll
- US $3.28 / 1 Roll
Shipping Weight: 118 g
- Package Size:1 Roll
- 62% OFFCheriswelry 4 Boards 4 Colors Jute Cord, Jute String, Jute Twine, 3 Ply, for Jewelry Making, Mixed Color, 2mm...(OCOR-CW0001-05)
- US $0.46 / 1 Bag
- US $1.21 / 1 Bag
Shipping Weight: 62 g
- Package Size:1 Bag
- 62% OFFMega Pet 4 Bundles 4 Styles Natural Jute Cord, Flat, Mixed Color, 11~17x0.9~1mm, 1 bundle/style (OCOR-MP0001-03)
- US $3.58 / 1 Bag
- US $9.41 / 1 Bag
Shipping Weight: 189 g
- Package Size:1 Bag
- 56% OFFJute Cord, Jute String, Jute Twine, 3 Ply, for Jewelry Making, Light Grey, 2mm, about 10.93 yards(10m)/board(X-OCOR-WH0016-06N)
- US $0.16 / 1 Board
- US $0.37 / 1 Board
Shipping Weight: 21 g
- Package Size:1 Board
- 56% OFFColored Jute Cord, Jute String, Jute Twine, 3-Ply, for Jewelry Making, Mixed Color, 2mm, about 100m/roll, 5rolls/set(OCOR-PH0003-46)
- US $7.76 / 1 Set
- US $17.63 / 1 Set
Shipping Weight: 626 g
- Package Size:1 Set
- 52% OFFJute Cord, Jute String, Jute Twine, for Jewelry Making, Deep Sky Blue, 3mm, about 54.68 yards(50m)/roll(OCOR-L039-C11)
- US $2.70 / 2 Rolls
- US $5.62 / 2 Rolls
Shipping Weight: 333 g
- Package Size:2 Rolls
- 52% OFFColored Jute Cord, Jute String, Jute Twine, for Jewelry Making, Purple, 2mm, 109.36yards/roll(100m/roll)(OCOR-JP0001-2mm-014)
- US $1.38 / 1 Roll
- US $2.88 / 1 Roll
Shipping Weight: 142 g
- Package Size:1 Roll
- 52% OFF4 Bundles 4 Colors Jute Cord, Jute String, Jute Twine, Mixed Color, 5~8mm, about 10m/bundle, 1 bundle/color(OCOR-SZ0001-06)
- US $3.34 / 1 Set
- US $6.96 / 1 Set
Shipping Weight: 477 g
- Package Size:1 Set
- 52% OFFJute Cord, for Jewelry Making, with Wood Findings, Red, 2mm, about 5m/roll(OCOR-L044-08)
- US $12.18 / 5 Rolls
- US $25.37 / 5 Rolls
Shipping Weight: 265 g
- Package Size:5 Rolls
- 36% OFFJute Cord, Jute String, Jute Twine, 6 Ply, for Jewelry Making, Peru, 2mm, about 50yards/roll, 150 feet/roll(OCOR-E005-03A)
- US $3.32 / 4 Rolls
- US $5.19 / 4 Rolls
Shipping Weight: 353 g
- Package Size:4 Rolls
- 44% OFFJute Cord, Jute String, Jute Twine, for Jewelry Making, Camel, 6~7mm, about 3.28 yards(3m)/bundle, 12 bundles/bag(OCOR-Q009-02)
- US $6.78 / 1 Bag
- US $12.11 / 1 Bag
Shipping Weight: 761 g
- Package Size:1 Bag
- 30% OFFJute Cord, Jute String, Jute Twine, for Jewelry Making, Tan, 1~2mm, about 109.36 yards(100m)/roll(OCOR-R036-01)
- US $1.26 / 1 Roll
- US $1.80 / 1 Roll
Shipping Weight: 102 g
- Package Size:1 Roll
- 40% OFFJute Cord, Jute String, Jute Twine, for Jewelry Making, Purple, 2mm, about 200m/bundle(OCOR-WH0037-03H)
- US $5.81 / 4 Bundles
- US $9.69 / 4 Bundles
Shipping Weight: 795 g
- Package Size:4 Bundles
- 38% OFFJute Cord, Jute String, Jute Twine, 2 Ply, for Jewelry Making, Camel, 5mm, about 5.46 yards(5m)/roll, 12bundles/bag(OCOR-Q002-03)
- US $7.37 / 1 Bag
- US $11.89 / 1 Bag
Shipping Weight: 603 g
- Package Size:1 Bag
- 38% OFFEarthy Colored Jute Cord, Jute String, Jute Twine, for DIY Macrame Crafting, Mixed Color, 2mm, 100m/roll, 3 colors...(OCOR-PH0003-75)
- US $4.71 / 1 Set
- US $7.60 / 1 Set
Shipping Weight: 355 g
- Package Size:1 Set
- 36% OFFNatural Jute Cord, Flat, BurlyWood, 11x1mm, about 10.94 Yards(10m)/Bundle(OCOR-TAC0016-05)
- US $2.08 / 2 Bundles
- US $3.24 / 2 Bundles
Shipping Weight: 139 g
- Package Size:2 Bundles
- 34% OFFJute Cord, Jute String, Jute Twine, 3 Ply, for Jewelry Making, Red, 2mm, about 10.93 yards(10m)/board(OCOR-WH0016-06G)
- US $1.14 / 10 Boards
- US $1.73 / 10 Boards
Shipping Weight: 243 g
- Package Size:10 Boards
- 34% OFFBraided Jute Cord, Polyester Cloth Leaf Trim Cord, with Spool, Olive Drab, 6~25mm, about 10.94 Yards(10m)/Roll(EC-M002-01C)
- US $0.95 / 1 Roll
- US $1.44 / 1 Roll
Shipping Weight: 64 g
- Package Size:1 Roll
- Jute Cord, Jute String, Jute Twine, 5 Ply, for Jewelry Making, Peru, 5mm, about 27.34 yards(25m)/roll, 15rolls/bag(OCOR-Q002-01D)
- US $18.92 / 1 Bag
Shipping Weight: 1,470 g
- Jute Cord, Jute String, Jute Twine, 1 Ply, for Jewelry Making, Tan, 1mm, about 109.36 yards(100m)/roll(OCOR-Q002-01E)
- US $1.08 / 1 Roll
Shipping Weight: 51 g
- Package Size:1 Roll
- Jute Cord, Jute String, Jute Twine, 2-Ply, for Jewelry Making, Peru, 1mm, about 109.36 yards(100m)/roll, 6rolls/bag(OCOR-E005-01A)
- US $7.78 / 6 Rolls
Shipping Weight: 506 g
- Package Size:6 Rolls
- 7% OFFJute Cord, Jute String, Jute Twine, for Jewelry Making, Black, 2mm, about 10.93 yards(10m)/roll(OCOR-WH0002-12)
- US $4.50 / 12 Rolls
- US $4.84 / 12 Rolls
Shipping Weight: 655 g
- Package Size:12 Rolls
- 36% OFFCloth Leaf Trim Ribbon, with Hemp Cords, for Arts Crafts DIY Decoration Gift Wrapping, Green, 25x1mm, 10m/Roll(OCOR-H106-01)
- US $3.81 / 3 Rolls
- US $5.95 / 3 Rolls
Shipping Weight: 422 g
- Package Size:3 Rolls
- 2-Ply Jute Cord, Jute String, Jute Twine, for Jewelry Making, Gift Packaging, Peru, 1mm, 10m/bundle(OCOR-SZ0001-01B)
- US $0.77 / 1 Bundle
Shipping Weight: 18 g
- Package Size:1 Bundle
- 16 Colors Jute Cord, Jute String, for Arts Crafts DIY Decoration Gift Wrapping, Mixed Color, 1mm, about 5yard/Colour...(OCOR-SZ0001-14)
- US $4.47 / 1 Set
Shipping Weight: 89 g
- Package Size:1 Set
- Jute Cord, Jute String, Jute Twine, for Jewelry Making, Tan, 1.5mm, about 43.74 yards(40m)/roll(OCOR-WH0032-03)
- US $3.28 / 5 Rolls
Shipping Weight: 328 g
- Package Size:5 Rolls
- Jute Cord, Jute String, Jute Twine, 3 Ply, for Jewelry Making, Peru, 3mm, about 32.8 yards(30m)/roll, 35rolls/bag(OCOR-Q002-01C)
- US $22.70 / 1 Bag
Shipping Weight: 1,493 g
- Package Size:1 Bag
- 3-Ply Jute Cord, Jute String, Jute Twine, for Jewelry Making, Peru, 1.5mm, about 164.04 yards(150m)/roll(OCOR-E005-02B)
- US $9.37 / 4 Rolls
Shipping Weight: 699 g
- Package Size:4 Rolls
- PandaHall Jewelry 4 Bundles 4 Colors Hemp Rope with Polyester Green Leaf, for Birthday, Classroom Decor, Wedding Home...(OCOR-PJ0001-006)
- US $12.02 / 1 Bag
Shipping Weight: 284 g
- Package Size:1 Bag
- Craftdady 2Roll 2 Colors Earthy Colored Jute Cord, Jute String, Jute Twine, 3-Ply, for DIY Macrame Crafting, Mixed Color...(OCOR-CD0001-05)
- 1-4:US $6.35
- 5+: US $4.27
Shipping Weight: 273 g
- Package Size:1 Bag
- Jute Cord, Jute String, Jute Twine, 6 Ply, for Jewelry Making, Peru, 2mm, about 100yards/roll, 300 feet/roll(OCOR-E005-03B)
- US $9.37 / 4 Rolls
Shipping Weight: 658 g
- Package Size:4 Rolls
- 3-Ply Jute Cord, Jute String, Jute Twine, for Jewelry Making, Peru, 1.5mm, about 82.02 yards(75m)/roll(OCOR-E005-02A)
- US $5.19 / 4 Rolls
Shipping Weight: 332 g
- Package Size:4 Rolls
- Jute Cord, Jute String, Jute Twine, for Jewelry Making, BurlyWood, 2mm, about 10.94 Yards(10m)/Bundle(OCOR-TAC0027-15)
- US $3.82 / 20 Bundles
Shipping Weight: 277 g
- Package Size:20 Bundles
- 50M Jute Cord, Round, for Gift Wrapping, Party Decoration, Antique White, 2mm, about 54.68 Yards(50m)/Roll(PW-WG33949-01)
- US $6.75 / 5 Rolls
Shipping Weight: 546 g
- Package Size:5 Rolls
- US $3.60 / 2 Bundles
Shipping Weight: 255 g
- Package Size:2 Bundles